How about a 144,000,000 GB Compact Flash Card?

How about a 144,000,000 GB Compact Flash Card?

Given the results of last week's experiment - you definitely don't want to hear me prattle on about art and crap like that. I write about things that inspire me creatively and my readership drops 70% ha ;) That's quite alright so here's something extra boring and technical for you - 


The Compact Flash Association has announced the CF5.0 Specification that allows for a theoretical increase to a maximum capacity of 144 petrabytes on a single compact flash card. 1 PB = 1000 terabytes. So this theoretical compact flash card could hold 144,000,000 GB of data. A single card could hold the Library of Congress' entire quantity of data 48 fold. Obviously this is just theory and I highly doubt we'll see a single petrabyte available in a CF card before a 1 PB desktop drive shows up. Interesting nonetheless. I'm about ready to max out my 2 TB G-Tech drive so I wish they'd hurry up with this new tech so the TB prices will come down. All I really need is 4TB and another 4 to back up. Unless you're a post house or are cutting your own feature, in my opinion most users don't need much more than that. For now ;)

I found this nugget of theoretical madness at DP Review: