

As this very accidental blog project is now almost in its 4th year, I feel I need to clarify my intentions.

I've never claimed to be an authority on any of the topics covered here. This is what I do for a living but I don't want to be mistaken for someone claiming to be a source of knowledge or infallible information. I write this blog because I love cameras, new technology, and image making. If my enthusiasm has been mistaken for something else, that's unintentional. I feel very lucky to be in a career where I get to make a living doing what I genuinely enjoy. I write about what excites me for no other reason than I think this stuff is cool and I like the exchange of ideas that the blogging platform makes possible.

I've re-assessed several technical articles I published here in the past and moving forward I don't think I'll be doing anymore of that kind of writing for several reasons - one being the only way to really learn this stuff is to get hands on and make lots of mistakes. There are no cookie cutter solutions to a lot of these technical problems and I don't want anything I've published here to be mistaken for that. The other factor is that video technology is changing so rapidly that it's very hard to create a technical document on a topic that could be obsolete or radically different in 6 months to a year. The difference from Build 21 to Build 30 on the Red One is a prime example of this. I think as tedious as they are, message boards are a better source of current information as they reflect up to the minute accounts of user experiences.

Moving forward, this blog will be more of a running commentary on all things video/film related that grab my attention with less emphasis on relaying technical information.

As always, thanks to all those who email and comment. I've met some really fantastic and talented people because of this blog and I've found it's an awesome way to exchange information with other users.

That's about it. Thanks for stopping by!