Random Gotcha - 08/23/10

Random Gotcha - 08/23/10

If you're using Canon lenses with IS on your Canon body - make sure to turn the camera off before changing lenses. When you're in video mode and the IS is turned on, it's constantly working unlike when shooting stills where it's only on when the shutter is half pressed. Put your ear to it and you can hear the IS working indicated by a soft "grinding" sound. Canon recommends you don't change lenses when the IS is working or you can damage it. I made the mistake once and it definitely created an error with the electronics. The IS began behaving very strangely but restarting the camera with the IS off and then turning it back on a few times seemed to correct it. Either way it can't be good.


On a lens related note - I recently picked up the new 70-200 2.8L IS II. This lens is sick. So sharp and the fall off is just gorgeous. I cannot wait for the 24-70 IS. It seemed like they were going to give it to us there for awhile but all the rumor sites are now predicting it won't happen. If they're going to announce it, the Expo in NYC next week or Photokina would be the obvious venue. Fingers are crossed.    And one last thing - go check out Step Up 3D if you want to see how far you can push your audience's ocular discomfort. They really pushed it way harder than others have and the 3D was probably the most striking I've seen yet. I did however feel a little cross eyed when I left the theatre. The only saving grace was the cuts were very fast which didn't give you the time to linger and they would give you little breaks by going back to a shallower, wide shot for a few beats after very extreme shots.